Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers


Untitled ~

Just wanna say I just got the money~
But don't know how to tell you...
Just write it here..
I'm super happy when I get my money...
Thanks to myself ~
Work there for two days~
I already plan all of this~~
But can it work?
If you think you really feel okay with me,just let me know~
I will do what I've plan~
I really don't know what the relationship between us now~
It's really complicated to me~
I also have something to you since I went to Pangkor~
I really still waiting for you...

Thanks to someone...
Finally I stop it~
I really feel bad those few days...
I'm sorry because I've done something embarrassing in front of you.
But really thanks a lot~~
I owe you one meal...
That all I can do to you..
And I promised I will be stronger!!!

I went to Pangkor last two weeks...
It was really memorable trip...
I really think that we are more close from that trip..
I love you guys...
But don't always bully me la.

This Tuesday we went Melaka.
We gain a happy memories again~
This time was so FULL!!
203 stickss of satay celup..
It was the first time I saw someone eat that much...
Really get shocked!!
But I like that feel~
That day let me stop thinking about something...
I was really crazyy~
And I really tired~

This few weeks I really feel hyper tired~
Every night I insomnia...
This is the truth...
I really can't forget...
I keep saying to myself that:"Everything gonna be okay!"
But it really looks doesn't work to me~
Smile is not easy for me now~
But I know that I'm trying~~~

