Today is my first serving class~~~
That not bad~~~
But someone complaint about our group don't know how to use service gear~~~
That true~~~
Cause everyone serve with the shaking hand~~~
I know how to use it,but i'm not sure when I serving food~~~
That drive me crazy!!!
But anyway,that is the first time!!
All of us,GOOD JOB ya~~~
Next Tuesday is our second class of cooking and serve it to customer...
It's really a huge number for me~~~
Cause I know that already got 60 pax from now!!!!
Don't know whether it will change next Tuesday?!
Why no one come when we are serving?!
Why everytime we cook so many guest coming?!
What are the actual reason?!
I really want to know that~~~
Today go play volleyball....
But I'm sucks!!!!
Don't know why?!
Maybe it's the first time I play with them~~~
Or I really don't know how to play it already~~~
Planning every Saturday go back Chong Hwa play~~~
But I don't think anyone is free to play with me~~~
I miss Chong Hwa badly too!!!
Uma Rani!!!
Damn miss the time when we together!!!
Anything going fine!!!
You're the one I know~~~
You didn't ever change since I know you~~~
Everytime just act is the better way to comfort you~~~
Got anything just find me~~~
I really like you find me~~~
No wonder that is just your thing or not your thing...
Cause it made you feel better~~~
Always with you even you're not beside me~~~
Just do what you want and what you think~~~
All the best to you!!!
So boring now...
It time for break...
But it is a terrible break...
Cause it got 4 hours...
What the hell is going on?
4 hours?
I really don't know why school arrange my timetable like this...
The 4 hours for doing nothing...
Why can't school arrange the other class?
Really boring.....
At my friend house typing this boring blog...
2 hours to go...
What should I do to waste this time?!
Just miss my buddy,friend...
How was going?
Exam now?
Really miss you all badly...
It time for break...
But it is a terrible break...
Cause it got 4 hours...
What the hell is going on?
4 hours?
I really don't know why school arrange my timetable like this...
The 4 hours for doing nothing...
Why can't school arrange the other class?
Really boring.....
At my friend house typing this boring blog...
2 hours to go...
What should I do to waste this time?!
Just miss my buddy,friend...
How was going?
Exam now?
Really miss you all badly...
博文 (Atom)